Lifted Spirits

imageYesterday’s Slice was written with a heavy heart, due to the death of a friend who left behind a sweet little boy who loved his daddy ever so much.  Waking up this morning and facing that reality was hard.  I expected to spend the day immersed in sadness once again.

Early on, however, I decided that the best way I could honor my friend was to find a little bit of humor in my day.  He was a person who appreciated laughter!  So my Slice today is about a moment that lifted my spirits today…in honor of my friend and the laughter he shared with his little fellow who will come to kindergarten next year…

Tonight Kindergarten Round-Up was held at my school.  In thinking about how to make parents and their kiddos feel welcome and excited about their kindergarten experience next fall, my teacher friend and I thought we would like to make a video starring her current students and asking each of them what they love about being a Kindergarten Kid.  I was in charge of the filming…

Picture it…one very short little fellow, with freckles and wide eyes, perched on a too-tall chair in the hallway.  He was fascinated by the tablet and kept up a steady stream of chatter, even though he knew I wasn’t recording yet.  I tried to prep him a little by asking him to tell me about his favorite things about school and was satisfied with his early answers–he liked to run in gym, play with his friends at recess, eat lunch from his lunchbox.  Once I started the camera, he impressed me even more by talking about making books and writing about dinosaurs in his classroom.  I let my guard down a little because he was so very cute and doing so very well.  And then the conversation took a turn.

“I think it would be fun to write a story about the time you and Mrs. O (his teacher) could come to my house.  I think it would be for a little party!  And when we are outside then we can sit in my hot tub…”

I cut him off when he got to “hot tub”.

But I left that part in the video.  Because it was the cutest random kindergartener moment that I have heard in a long time and it definitely lifted my heart today!  Thanks for the laughter and the hot-tub invite, Anthony.




  1. Sandy · March 4, 2016

    Oh Kathy ~ sorry about your friend! But your little slice made me laugh ~ hugs to you my dear! ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. readsomuch · March 4, 2016

    (Ohmygoodness – I LOVE the name of your blog!)
    Your kindergarten buddy sounds like a sweetie, glad his random hot tub invite made you smile. Sending strength as you continue to find laughter to honor your friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Eileen Day · March 4, 2016

    I love the view from a kindergarteners eyes! Oh, if life could only that sweet and simple some days!


  4. khays41 · March 4, 2016

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everything could be fixed by a visit to hot tub?


  5. jennieb · March 4, 2016

    Kids are amazing and healing in so many ways. Thank goodness for their positive outlooks and innocence.


  6. Erika Victor · March 4, 2016

    Kids do say the most unexpected things! I can see the scene playing out in all kinds of funny ways!
    I am so glad you found a way to smile in this difficult time.


  7. Kristi Lonheim (@lonheim) · March 4, 2016

    Did you let him write the rest of the story later? I would love to hear where he was going with it. It is the little ones who so easily bring joy to even the toughest days. Thanks for sharing your smile with us.


  8. Emily Culbertson · March 4, 2016

    The best part of my day usually comes from a Kindergarten friend. They just know how to brighten a day. Even in complete innocence, they say the darnedest things!


  9. Peg D · March 6, 2016

    What a sweetie. Glad he could bring a smile to your face. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend and prayers for his family.


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