New Friends

imageOnly four more days…

It’s hard to wait.  Each time I think about it, I grow more impatient.  This Friday the class lists for next year will be released to teachers and I will know the names of my new second graders.  It’s been two years since I had a classroom, so it is especially meaningful as I think about the kids who will share my days next year.

I tried to drop a hint to my principal that I was struggling with the long wait.  She laughed, but did not give an inch.  “What would you do with that information?” she asked.

“Smile,” I told her.  I would smile and imagine the possibilities.

Next week is Move Up Day, during which I will have 30 minutes to spend with my new class.  Is 30 minutes enough time to tell them about all the learning we will do together?  All the books we will discover together?  All the stories we will write together?  All the fun we will have together?

I’ve been trying to think of just the right way to spend that 30 minutes.  I will take their picture so I can send it to each child in August and remind them what their class will look like.  I will read to them just a bit of a book so they will have more from that story to look forward to in the fall.  I would like them to create something that they could either take with them or leave with me so I can hang it up outside our door to recognize on the day they come back.  I’m not sure that I’ve found just the perfect idea, though.

Only four more days…


  1. Lisa Keeler · May 24, 2016

    I just love how your enthusiasm for what you do permeates this slice. You are as excited as a child on his birthday eve about your new class. Lucky students. Hope the four days pass quickly for you.


  2. berries781 · May 25, 2016

    Love your excitement! And you’re so much better than me…I don’t even want to think about next year, lol!! I just need to get out of here for this year! But good for you!


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