Potter Time

imageI’ve been waiting for a long time.  From the time my nephew was small and I noticed that he not only listened to my bedtime story reading with rapt attention, but actually seemed to absorb the stories and then live in them through his imagination, I just knew.  When the time came, he was going to love Harry Potter.

He was not only going to love Harry Potter–he was going to become immersed in the world of Hogwarts.  In other words, he would not be a Muggle by any means.  I wished for him to have as close to the best experience as possible, which is hard now that the books and movies are all out and so easy to get.  I was afraid he would start watching the movies and go through all of them before reading the books.

A lot of people have accessed Harry Potter through the movies first, and have enjoyed that approach very much.  It’s just that knowing him so well and knowing his love of words and story, I wanted him to discover everything through reading the books before watching each movie.  It’s a magical experience!

And after years of fending off offers to watch the movies with him from well-meaning relatives (thanks, Grandpa), it has finally happened.  He’s ready!  Some of his friends at school are reading the books and they are talking about them and playing out scenes during recess.  That is what got him hooked.  He has formerly been a little hesitant about reading the books because they are lengthy and packed full of unfamiliar words.  But his desire to know what his friends are talking about has caused him to jump the hurdle, and he has avidly been reading The Sorcerer’s Stone.

I’ve been cautiously optimistic, but today I got really excited.  He wants me to bring him the second book so he has it in his hand before he finishes the first.  He wants to know if when he finishes the first book that he can watch the movie. (Yes)

And my sister texted and wants to know why her son is wandering the house in a bathrobe with a paper wand, muttering things she doesn’t understand…

This is going to be so much fun!



  1. msajj@mchsi.com · April 3, 2018

    Benjamin is about 200 pages into book 4 & we rewatched the movies (1,2&3) this weekend❣️He knows Grandma has them all ~ but wants to read the books before❣️Did something right 💫

    Liked by 1 person

    • kathyschuitema · April 3, 2018

      It’s SO much fun, isn’t it? I’ve enjoyed seeing his Potter fun on FB once in awhile.


  2. Tamara Jaimes · April 4, 2018

    This post made me tear up. My son got to grow up with Harry Potter and it was such a blessing. I’m a reader, but my son has surpassed me by 5th grade. It breaks my heart when kids won’t read Harry Potter because they’ve seen the movies. Good for you, Auntie!


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