Weather or Not…

imageEarlier in the week, the forecast started sounding ominous.    This week, which started with tornado sirens wailing, was predicted to end with a snowstorm.  At first, it just sounded like an annoyance…a little bit of snow making things slippery.  It was more the psychological effect of seeing snowflakes falling again after enjoying warm days that caused the moans and groans.

But now the forecast sounds a bit worse.  Although it’s hard to tell, it is possible that the timing of the snow and the temperature could cause a delay or even a snow day on Monday.  That definitely causes mixed emotions!

On one hand…a surprise day off, easy to dream of sleeping in, working on projects I don’t usually get to touch, and watching a movie along the way.  On the other hand…thoughts of making up a snow day on a sunny day in June doesn’t hold much appeal.  Fortunately, it isn’t my decision to make…my job will just be to make the best of whichever situation presents itself.

A snow day practically on the eve of spring break would be unusual indeed!  In the meantime, I’ll get my shovel ready.  Just in case…


One comment

  1. teachworkoutlove · March 11, 2017

    Good luck! Hopefully no tornados though


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